Our Invitation To You!

We (the Reunion Committee) are glad that you’ve indicated your interest in attending the SHS Music Reunion - 2024. Many of the students who participated in the SHS music programs continue to be grateful for the musical education we received from our beloved teachers Dennis Lauffer, Luca Del Negro, Susan Descano, and those who followed after them. Previous choral and band reunions included an opportunity to make music with Mr. Lauffer and Mr D. and to thank them. As bittersweet as it is that Mr. D and Mr. Lauffer are no longer with us, it will be  exciting to join together and  make music and celebrate the SHS Music Tradition!

For the 2024 reunion, Carol Weldy Portice (Class of 1971) will be the Director of the SHS Reunion Singers 2024 on Saturday ,July 13th  for a day of rehearsals and the Celebration Concert . Carol is honored and excited to lead us in celebrating our  SHS Music Tradition! We look forward to a wonderful day of singing, laughing, and reconnecting  -

 “Honoring the Past, Embracing the Present, and Celebrating the Future!"

We are excited to see you and hear  the sound of our singing together on July 13th

Reunion Commitee

Please reach out to your fellow SHS singers and invite them to be join the SHS Reunion Singers 2024!